Cedric Chin: Jobs's Second Act at Apple - The Next Big Thing. In an illuminating anecdote in the book Good Strategy, Bad Strategy, author and business professor Richard Rumelt describes the following story, shortly after Steve Jobs’s return to Apple. (more)

Accenture plc is an Irish-American[3][4] professional services company based in Dublin, specializing in information technology (IT) services and consulting. A Fortune Global 500 company,[5] it reported revenues of $64.1 billion in 2023.[2] Accenture's current clients include 91 of the Fortune Global 100 and more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500.[6] As of 2022, Accenture is considered the largest consulting firm in the world by number of employees. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accenture

giant consulting firm that came out of Arthur Andersen accounting and later became Accenture

Ian Piumarta and Kimberly Rose assembled a book Points Of View: A Tribute To Alan Kay for Alan Kay's 70th birthday. Available as free EBook for all of us. (more)

John Cutler TBM 30/52: Why Don’t We Have a Strategy? A product leader recently told me: "The system is not built for me to think. The system is built for me to be reactionary." Why? The theory goes that ideas are cheap, and execution is everything. (more)

Venkatesh Rao uses the term Positioning for 7 dimensions of business Flow State (Business Strategy). If the S-Curve-s are clustered close together in time, you get one big Aha! Otherwise you get a series of smaller Ahas! All 7 must be switched on. Otherwise you’ll get a change in emotion and energy, but not a true business positioning. The characteristic sign is that you get a frenzied, high-anxiety, manic energy tempo instead of a harmonious, vigorous and steady tempo. I call the former the “fire alarm” situation, and it will collapse if it isn’t corrected. (more)

Venkatesh Rao loves Walter Kiechel's Lords Of Strategy Business Book about the history of the Business Strategy Consulting industry. With those four players on the stage: BCG, the idea company, Bain, the all-the-way-to-execution cult, McKinsey the behemoth commoditizer, and Michael Porter the intellectual heavyweight, the strategy revolution was underway... There is a deep conceptual problem with Porter’s work, and the entire main line of development of strategy as a discipline, that makes it deeply suspect: the fact that people are missing.

Chet Richards reviews William Dettmer's Logical Thinking Process ISBN:0873897234 coverage of Eli Goldratt's Theory Of Constraints. As Goldratt demonstrated, conflicts often represent the effects of invalid assumptions, and his charmingly entitled "evaporating cloud" is a tool for dragging assumptions to the surface where we can shine the cold light of day on them. The focus is on breaking any implicit Trade-Off-s, "compromises" as Goldratt calls them - such as between cost and quality - so that both can improve simultaneously. There were times when such a cloud would have come in handy... Then he does a very unusual thing for a technical text. He introduces John Boyd's "Principles of the Blitzkrieg" (POB) as a way to get competence and full Commitment, "even if you're not there to guide or direct them" (p. 8-11). Which means that people have to take the initiative to seek out and solve problems, using the common GTOC framework to harmonize their efforts (Culture). In that sense, the POB can be considered as a powerful doctrine for connecting leaders and subordinates for implementing change.

Place/action to Focus your attention/effort, instead of drizzling BullShit. Bottleneck literally refers to the top narrow part of a bottle. In engineering, it refers to a phenomenon where the performance or capacity of an entire system is limited by a single or small number of components or resources. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottleneck (more)

key Start Up success-requirement from Marc Andreessen - getting the right Fit between product and Market Segment - 2007-07-27-AndreessenMarketIsKeyForStartup - establishes viability/scalability of your Business Model? (more)

Most individual-creator content subscriptions are too expensive, given that most are essentially infotainment (conversely, how many can really claim to be compelling?). (more)

Mike Morris: Thoughts on "Extending Tools for Thought". a meetup of the ToolsForThoughtRocks crowd in which they had Howard Rheingold as a guest. "Extending Tools for Thought". Was well worth the time in that it triggered some Interesting Thoughts (more)

Mike Morris: Introducing Wikid: A(nother) Wiki System. I’m writing a wiki system (wiki engine). Have I lost my mind? Why, when there are already so many wiki platforms languishing out there…? (more)

Mike Morris: Into the Kingdom of Bouncy Castle; Here Be Dragons. After a bit of downtime over the holiday season, it's back to work on the Wikid Project. (more)

Mike Morris: Wikid Update- Walking Skeleton 2.0. The Next Big Thing I decided on (see my previous project update was to implement visible backlinks. (more)

Mike Morris on a Tools for Thought Research Community. Wandering through my personal notes and collected RSS feeds, I find myself rereading Thesephist's Research Community post. ((2021-11-27) Lee Towards A Research Community For Better Thinking Tools) (more)

Mike Morris: Cognition Enhancing Technologies. I’m working with a non-profit org, We Think Code, that teaches software development skills (not just programming!) to people new-to-programming who likely might not otherwise have access to such opportunity. (learning programming) (more)

Mike Morris: Wikid Update - The Skeleton is Walking. Finally got around to a manual test of WikidProject and... it works! My god, it actually works! (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

See Intro Page for space-related goals, status, etc.; or Wiki Node for more terse summary info.

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